In an effort to continually become a better website that my visitors want to come back and visit again, I have made numerous changes over the past week.
- The website was completely reformatted from strictly (X)HTML to PHP based. This change will allow more dynamic web pages to be added in the future.
- The navigation was completely re-done, after rigorous testing it was decided that the old navigation wasn’t highlighting the pages that my visitors most wanted to see. The new navigation hopes to allow for easier navigation of MikesPickz. A list of the changes will be displayed under the navigation for the next several weeks.
- The home page was re-styled from a two column layout to a three column layout. This was done to reduce scroll time and to move more of the important information to the top of the page.
- A Contact Form was added to allow visitors to ask questions and to comment on the website more easily.
- The MLB Weekly Review page and the Leader Board page was combined with the MikesPickz Sports Section Blog. These pages were combined because I felt it made more logical sense to keep all of the sports information pages together in one place.
Feel free to post any comments that you have about the new look of MikesPickz below.